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Get Prepaid Balances - TMF654

/prepaidBalance/service/{serviceId} [GET]

This operation retrieves prepaid billing details by serviceNumber

Key Considerations:

  1. Prepaid balances in implemented in v1 and v2 versions.
  2. v1 version is implemented for CWC.
  3. v2 version is implemented for BTC-Bahamas and Dutch and Carribean markets(CW,MF,BO,SA,SE,SX,AG).
v2 Response for BTC-Bahamas:
  1. Data is retrieved from Ericsson system by providing "serviceNumber" as input.
  2. The serviceNumber can be provided with or without BU code(242) and country code(1).
  3. For sample response refer "BTC-prepaidBalance".
  4. Possible values for "status" are "Active" and "Inactive".
  5. Possible values for "@type" are "Core", "Loan", "data", "SMS", "Voice" etc.
  6. Possible values for "remaningValue.units" are BSD, MB, SMS, Mins.
v2 Response for Dutch and Carribean markets:
  1. Data is retrieved from Limeware system by providing "serviceNumber" as input.
  2. The serviceNumber should be provided with area code. Example for serviceNumbers : CW - 59995604770, SX - 17215889742
  3. "description" for core balances will be "primaryBalance/Core monetary balance".
  4. "usageType" for core balances is "Core" , for data balances it is "data", for SMS balances it is "Sms" , for voice balances it is "Voice".
  5. Possible values for "@type" are "B", "N", "D" etc
  6. For 'remainingValue.units' we are expecting units from limeware system, if we are not retrieving units from Limeware system then we are sending following units for Core balances: CW.currency.code=ANG, BO.currency.code=USD, MF.currency.code=EUR, SA.currency.code=USD, SE.currency.code=USD, SX.currency.code=ANG, AG.currency.code=XCD.
  7. Possible values for "remainingValue.units" are ANG, USD, EUR, XCD, MB, GB, SMS, mins etc
  8. Following are the examples for "remainingValueName": primaryBalance, OnNet Minutes, Local SMS, Mobile Data etc
  9. For sample response, refer to "DC-markets-prepaidBalance".
