Get Prepaid Balances - TMF654
/prepaidBalance/service/{serviceId} [GET]
This operation retrieves prepaid billing details by serviceNumber
Key Considerations:
- Prepaid balances in implemented in v1 and v2 versions.
- v1 version is implemented for CWC.
- v2 version is implemented for BTC-Bahamas and Dutch and Carribean markets(CW,MF,BO,SA,SE,SX,AG).
v2 Response for BTC-Bahamas:
- Data is retrieved from Ericsson system by providing "serviceNumber" as input.
- The serviceNumber can be provided with or without BU code(242) and country code(1).
- For sample response refer "BTC-prepaidBalance".
- Possible values for "status" are "Active" and "Inactive".
- Possible values for "@type" are "Core", "Loan", "data", "SMS", "Voice" etc.
- Possible values for "remaningValue.units" are BSD, MB, SMS, Mins.
v2 Response for Dutch and Carribean markets:
- Data is retrieved from Limeware system by providing "serviceNumber" as input.
- The serviceNumber should be provided with area code. Example for serviceNumbers : CW - 59995604770, SX - 17215889742
- "description" for core balances will be "primaryBalance/Core monetary balance".
- "usageType" for core balances is "Core" , for data balances it is "data", for SMS balances it is "Sms" , for voice balances it is "Voice".
- Possible values for "@type" are "B", "N", "D" etc
- For 'remainingValue.units' we are expecting units from limeware system, if we are not retrieving units from Limeware system then we are sending following units for Core balances: CW.currency.code=ANG, BO.currency.code=USD, MF.currency.code=EUR, SA.currency.code=USD, SE.currency.code=USD, SX.currency.code=ANG, AG.currency.code=XCD.
- Possible values for "remainingValue.units" are ANG, USD, EUR, XCD, MB, GB, SMS, mins etc
- Following are the examples for "remainingValueName": primaryBalance, OnNet Minutes, Local SMS, Mobile Data etc
- For sample response, refer to "DC-markets-prepaidBalance".